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독서습관205_작가와 마라톤 그리고 건강을 생각하는 책_달리기를 말할 때 내가 하고 싶은 이야기What I talk about When I talk about_무라카미 하루키_2007_Vintage Books(200124)

by bandiburi 2020. 1. 27.

● 저자 : Haruki Murakami 무라카미 하루키
Haruki Murakami was born in Kyoto in 1949 and now lives near Tokyo. His work has been translated into forty-two languages. The most recent of his many honors is the Franz Kafka Prize.


2020년이 경자년이 시작된지도 23일이 지나고 있습니다. 신년이 되면 늘 건강에 대한 관심이 커지고 운동을 하겠다는 사람들이 많습니다. 하지만 작심삼일이라고 지속적으로 하는 분은 많지 않을 것입니다. 

무라카미 하루키라는 유명 작가가 왜 달리기를 시작했고 마라톤에 참석하고, 울트라 마라톤까지 경험하며 자신의 경험과 생각을 글로 표현한 것입니다. 작가가 표현한 마라톤 중에 느끼는 고통을 상상해 봅니다. 10km만 달려도 1시간을 잡아야 하는데 42km가 넘는 마라톤을 1년에 한 번씩 참석했다고 하니 체력이 대단한 분이라는 생각을 하게 됩니다. 

아침저녁으로 피트니스에서 간단한 워킹과 스트레칭을 하고 있는 내게도 달리기를 다시 시작하고 싶은 마음을 주는 등 큰 도전을 주는 책이었습니다. 

글을 쓴다는 것이 어떤 것인지, 작가로서의 삶에서 마라톤과 달리기가 어떤 효익이 있는지도 언급합니다. 정적인 직업을 가진 사람의 동적인 취미생활은 아주 잘 어울립니다. 

짧지만 글을 읽는 독자에게 작가가 미국과 일본에서 달리는 심정과 주변 풍경 묘사를 잘해서 함께 마라톤을 하고 있는 착각을 줍니다. 하루키가 달리기와 철인 삼종경기 등을 통해 글감을 찾고 이렇게 작지만 의미 있는 책을 공유한 것에 대해 감사를 표합니다.

 책에서 발췌
Foreword-7p) Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. Say you're running and you start to think, Man this hurts, I can't take it anymore. 
8) Long-distance running suits my personality, though, and of all the habits I've acquired over my lifetime I'd have to say this one has been the most helpful, the most meaningful. 
10) The point is whether or not I improved over yesterday. In long-distance running the only opponent you have to beat is yourself, the way you used to be. 

11) Domenico Scarlatti wrote 555 piano sonatas during his lifetime, most of them when he was between the ages of fifty-seven and sixty-two. 
16) Looking back on that time now, I can see that during my twenties my worldview changed, and I matured. 
19) Emotional hurt is the price a person has to pay in order to be independent. 
31) If I failed, I could accept that. But I knew that if I did things halfheartedly and they didn't work out, I'd always have regrets. 

35) I learned it on my own, the pay-as-you-go method. It takes a lot of time to acquire a skill this way, and you go through a lot of trial and error, but what you learn sticks with you. 
37) If you don't get that sort of system set by certain age, you'll lack focus and your life will be out of balance. 
43) I have to pound the rock with a chisel and dig out a deep hole before I can locate the source of creativity. To write a novel I have to drive myself hard physically and use a lot of time and effort. 
45) The most imp

ortant thing we ever learn at school is the fact that the most important things can't be learned at school. 
47) The ae that Scott Fitzgerald started to go downhill. That age may be a kind of crossroads in life. that was the age when I began my life as a runner, and it was my belated, but real, starting point as a novelist. 
51) After this, you very gradually increase the upper limit of the amount of exercise you do. Doing it gradually is important so you don't burn out. 

71) at least I'm following one of my basic rules for training: I never take two days off in a row. 
77) If I'm asked what the next most important quality for a novelist, that's easy too: focus-the ability to concentrate all your limited talents on whatever's critical at the moment. 
81) The methods and directions a writer takes in order to supplement himself becomes part of that writer's individuality, what makes him special. 

82) Most runners run not because they want to live longer, but because they want to live life to the fullest. 
86) As you age you learn even to be happy with what you have. That's one of the few good points of growing older. 
94) These girls have their own pace, their own sense of time. And I have my own pace, my own sense of time. The two are completely different, but that's the way it should be. 

113) It's weird, but at the end I hardly knew who I was or what I was doing. 
120) As I suspect is true of many who write for a living, as I write I think about all sorts of things. 
121) And one of the privileges given to those who've avoided dying young is the blessed right to grow old. The honor of physical decline is waiting, and you have to get used to that reality. 

127) These are the only knees I'll ever have, so I'd better take good care of them. 
130) but Gatsby really is an outstanding novel. I never get tired of it, no matter how many times I read it. It's the kind of literature that nourished you as you read, and every time I do I'm struck by something new and experience a fresh reaction to it. 

140) In most cases learning something essential in life requires physical pain. 
143) In Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, one of the characters, Tom Buchanan, a rich man who's also a well-known polo player, says, "I've heard of making a garage out of a stable, but I'm the first man who ever made a stable out of a garage."

153) And you start to recognize (or be resigned to the fact) that since your faults and deficiencies are well nigh-infinite, you'd best figure out your good points and learn to get by with what you have. 
158) Some day, I thought, I'm going to get revenge. When it comes to things like this, I'm pretty tenacious. If there's something I can't do but want to, I won't relax until I'm able to do it. 

161) In order to get there you have to stubbornly, rigorously, and very patiently tighten all the screws of each individual part. This takes time, of course, but sometimes taking time is actually a shortcut. 
171) Your quality of experience is based not on standards such as time and ranking, but on finally awakening to an awareness of the fluidity within action itself. If things go well, that is. 

